Digital umbrella for overseas

A new brand for an American AI startup

mutasd a Website-ot
Lead Brand Strategist
Lead Designer
Senior Designer
Design Manager
CEO, Design director
Amit leszállítottunk
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand and logo design
  • App UI designs
  • Brandbook
  • Design system
  • Custom icon set
  • Custom illustration
  • Digital templates
  • Web UI designs

Have you ever donated to a cause you care about? If your answer is yes, then you may know how and within what framework this works. The shaping effects of new technologies such as AI are bringing changes in this area, too.

In the USA, AI is increasingly present in fundraising for political, charitable, and other causes. Our work with Sterling Data Company gave us a fascinating insight into how this is happening overseas. Initially, the company provided their technology specifically for political fundraising, but they wanted to expand this to other markets and asked us to help them visualize this.

We had previously worked together on the framework for their app, and they approached us again in recognition of our work. The result of our collaboration was an umbrella identity* that provided a cohesive visual look for a company with a focus on political, non-profit, and business areas.

(*Umbrella identity → A modular look and feel based on a common set of rules to serve multiple business needs)

Sterling Data CompanySterling Data Company

"It's easy to have effective meetings when the zwoelf team always knows what you're looking for. We love the new feel of the brand. We got exactly what we wanted! It’s great to work with them; we had the best Fridays!"

Martin Kurucz
CEO, Sterling Data Company 🇺🇸

So it began

Sterling Data Company, in addition to politics, is open to working with business and non-profit organizations. But while their product is perfectly suited for this, their active campaigning in recent years has intertwined the brand with American politics. We started the project with a Brand Sprint workshop and a brand restructuring. During the sessions, we defined what should go, what should stay, and what should be added. We unpacked the new brand personality and communication strategy before planning.

Existing framework

We had created the design framework for Sterling's products in a previous project at zwoelf and used it as a basis for the design. We extended the existing rules and illustrations. The product was originally a desktop system, so we made the whole set of elements adaptive.

Umbrella brand, new sub-brands

Sterling Data Company is a high-tech data services company. The key to their image has become an abstract symbol referring to data and the nature of data. We used it as a starting point for the design of our new sub-brands. We extended the existing brand colors thematically and gave their logo a unique typeface.

Custom illustrations and media

To support a more relaxed tone and easy accessibility, we created an illustrations pack with more than 50 unique drawings and icons. These illustrations are also used outside the site in additional promotional materials, previews, and social media templates.

The new website

The new site was scaled together with the new brands. We created unique, tailored introduction pages, and product and service description pages to support the sales team in their new challenges. We designed service-specific calculators and contact pages and developed Sterling's product support interfaces.

Sterling Data Company
Sterling Data Company
Sterling Data Company
Következő Projekt


Üzletágból leányvállalat

Digital umbrella for overseas

A new brand for an American AI startup

Go to Website
Project team
Lead Brand Strategist
Lead Designer
Senior Designer
Design Manager
CEO, Design director
Scope of the project
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand and logo design
  • App UI designs
  • Brandbook
  • Design system
  • Custom icon set
  • Custom illustration
  • Digital templates
  • Web UI designs

Have you ever donated to a cause you care about? If your answer is yes, then you may know how and within what framework this works. The shaping effects of new technologies such as AI are bringing changes in this area, too.

In the USA, AI is increasingly present in fundraising for political, charitable, and other causes. Our work with Sterling Data Company gave us a fascinating insight into how this is happening overseas. Initially, the company provided their technology specifically for political fundraising, but they wanted to expand this to other markets and asked us to help them visualize this.

We had previously worked together on the framework for their app, and they approached us again in recognition of our work. The result of our collaboration was an umbrella identity* that provided a cohesive visual look for a company with a focus on political, non-profit, and business areas.

(*Umbrella identity → A modular look and feel based on a common set of rules to serve multiple business needs)

Sterling Data CompanySterling Data Company

"It's easy to have effective meetings when the zwoelf team always knows what you're looking for. We love the new feel of the brand. We got exactly what we wanted! It’s great to work with them; we had the best Fridays!"

Martin Kurucz
CEO, Sterling Data Company 🇺🇸

So it began

Sterling Data Company, in addition to politics, is open to working with business and non-profit organizations. But while their product is perfectly suited for this, their active campaigning in recent years has intertwined the brand with American politics. We started the project with a Brand Sprint workshop and a brand restructuring. During the sessions, we defined what should go, what should stay, and what should be added. We unpacked the new brand personality and communication strategy before planning.

Existing framework

We had created the design framework for Sterling's products in a previous project at zwoelf and used it as a basis for the design. We extended the existing rules and illustrations. The product was originally a desktop system, so we made the whole set of elements adaptive.

Umbrella brand, new sub-brands

Sterling Data Company is a high-tech data services company. The key to their image has become an abstract symbol referring to data and the nature of data. We used it as a starting point for the design of our new sub-brands. We extended the existing brand colors thematically and gave their logo a unique typeface.

Custom illustrations and media

To support a more relaxed tone and easy accessibility, we created an illustrations pack with more than 50 unique drawings and icons. These illustrations are also used outside the site in additional promotional materials, previews, and social media templates.

The new website

The new site was scaled together with the new brands. We created unique, tailored introduction pages, and product and service description pages to support the sales team in their new challenges. We designed service-specific calculators and contact pages and developed Sterling's product support interfaces.

Sterling Data Company
Sterling Data Company
Sterling Data Company